Our organization is able to continue our mission because of the support that we receive from our members, who care about our local environment and the programs and education we provide.
The last year has been unusual and interesting to say the least! Though we had to cancel some of our events and fundraisers due to the pandemic, KALB still managed to get out and make a difference in our city and county. We were able to engage hundreds of volunteers for outdoor socially distant cleanups and more. Now that things are beginning to return to some sort of normal, we hope to continue this important work and make an even larger impact on our community.
With your support through membership, we can continue to work towards a cleaner and healthier Limestone County with quality programs, education, and community service opportunities. Dedicated volunteers and financial supporters make our successes possible.
Mail in your membership or pay online using the links below.
• Since January of 2021, KALB has hosted or partnered with others for eight different cleanup events, including our annual Trash Attack and Waterway Cleanup. Hundreds of volunteers of all ages have joined us and have removed over 70,000 lbs. of trash from different areas around Athens and Limestone County.
• We have now successfullly hosted two Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events for Limestone County residents, and serviced almost 800 vehicles combined from the two events. We would love to be able to provide this service on a more regular basis and will continue to seek funding to do so.
• KALB manages the Litter Hotline 256-233-8000 to handle complaints of witnessed litter violations.
• Thousands of students are educated annually through our environmental presentations available to all city, county, and private schools for students from pre-school through 6th grade. We address topics related to the dangers of litter, importance of recycling, and how individuals can help protect our natural world. We look forward to hopefully getting back into the classrooms in fall of 2021!
• KALB’s monthly eNewsletters, social media pages, website, Athens Now articles, and other media keep the community informed of activities and events related to litter, recycling, beautification, household hazardous waste disposal and so much more!
• Administrative support provided to the Athens-Limestone Recycling Board and Athens-Limestone Beautification Board.
• Community education is provided through our annual Earth Day & Outdoor EXPO, which is free to the public, thanks to supporters like you.
• KALB continues to resolve overgrown grass, illegal dumping, and junk vehicle complaints as we accept phone calls and emails from the public. We work closely with the Athens Police Department and Limestone County Sheriff’s office.
• The Adopt-A-Spot program continues in Athens and Limestone County. We are always looking for individuals and groups who are willing to take responsibility for areas that have not yet been adopted.
• Speakers are available to attend business, club, and association meetings to share information and answer questions.
• We are always eager to speak with residents who call with questions, suggestions, or just need some information.
Please consider joining us, supporting our mission, and becoming a member of KALB today!