KALB offers several classroom presentations for students of all ages that focus on
litter awareness, recycling, environmental issues, and more.
We place very high importance on the suggestions and comments we receive from our teachers. Please feel free to contact us with any ideas or comments you may have with regard to current or proposed programs that would assist you in the classroom. We would love to spend time with your students, just call 256-233-8000, or email us at KALBCares@gmail.com to discuss a program or schedule a visit!

The Talking Tree
The Talking Tree is available to speak to your preschool through first grade students. Discussion of why trees are important to the planet, to humans, and to animals will be the main topic in language a young child can understand. We talk about trees providing animal habitats, shade, fuel, food, cooling effect, building materials and more. Once the children better understand the role trees play in our world, we explain why recycling paper is so important. This is an interactive lesson, and teachers receive coloring pages for their students to continue the lesson.

Student Litter Patrol Officers
Sparky, the official big yellow KALB mascot, and a member of the KALB team will talk with your students about the dangers of litter in our community. The students will then be offered the opportunity to become Official Litter Patrol Officers! A police officer or Sheriff’s deputy will swear the students into the program and explain what it means to take an oath. Students receive an official ID card showing that they are truly Litter Patrol Officers, as well as other goodies. A letter is also given to the students to be taken home to parents, informing them of their child’s new responsibilities and asking them to support their child by showing good example.

Hands-On Litter Awareness
This program can be geared toward almost all grade levels. Students are broken up into small groups and given a bag of 10 clean litter items. They are asked as a group to list the items from most dangerous to least dangerous taking into consideration people, wildlife, and the environment. There are no wrong answers. This is an exercise that allows students to take time to think about the consequences of littering — for some it may be the first time! Groups decisions are discussed.