Thank you for reporting acts of littering or illegal dump site locations. Please complete the following information so we can pursue this with the Athens Police Department or Limestone County Sheriff’s Department.
Be assured that your name will be kept confidential by both KALB and the Athens Police Department or Limestone County Sheriff’s Department.
In the case of illegal dumps, a search for identifying information at the site will take place and offending parties contacted. In the case of littering from a vehicle, a letter will be sent to the owner of the vehicle describing the incident and reminding him/her of the fines imposed for these offenses. Providing the time and location will help the vehicle owner determine who was driving, if not them. The literature on the dangers of littering will be included.
Need a litter bag for your car? Stop by the office and grab some-they are great for keeping your car tidy and everything contained! They are made from recycled water bottles and they are washable!